Techno-technology coming soon

6 Dec 2005
Just been announced that a vote will be held on introducing goal-line technology in March.


The International Football Association Board (IFAB) convened for its Annual Business Meeting (ABM) today, Wednesday 20 October 2010, at the Celtic Manor Resort in Newport, Wales.

During the meeting, the IFAB agreed to re-open the discussions concerning goal-line technology. In this regard, the members of the IFAB agreed on the following principles:

- The technology would apply solely to the goal line, and only to determine whether a goal has been scored or not;
- The system must be accurate;
- The indication of whether a goal has been scored must be immediate and automatically confirmed within one second;
- The indication of whether a goal has been scored will only be communicated to the match officials.

A deadline of the end of November 2010 was set for companies to initially present their technologies to FIFA. A proposed testing period will then take place with a selected number of companies, prior to the IFAB Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 4-6 March 2011, when the next steps of the process will be determined.

The 125th IFAB Annual General Meeting will take place at the Celtic Manor Resort in Newport, Wales on 4-6 March 2011.
tamper proof?

result fixing scandals via technological adjustment? was it calibrated correctly?!

even speed cameras get brought down by the courts why would these device be any less susceptible
tamper proof?

result fixing scandals via technological adjustment? was it calibrated correctly?!

even speed cameras get brought down by the courts why would these device be any less susceptible

Was going to say - these would have to be wireless as well.

If it takes a second, and say one of the officials is buzzed then I don't see the problem.
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