Technobabylon - new adventure game by Wadjet Eye

8 Feb 2004
Anyone playing this? It's superb. It evokes a properly cyberpunk atmosphere, and has excellent voice acting / music.

Sure it's graphics are pixellated but it's gameplay is superb, properly old-skool adventuring. There's a demo and it's on Steam too.
I haven't tried it but I loved Gemini Rue - and this looks like more of the same. I'll definitely have to check this out in more detail.
Played Gemini rue, this looks good too, I'll maybe wait till its on sale though, as good as Gemini rue was it was a little short on length and settings.
I don't care about pixelated graphics, but the text on a 1440p monitor is horrible to read, it's giving me a headache. It really does look like a fun game but it's jarring :(
Edit: Oh wait, woo - shift window lets me resize it --- oh no but the mouse doesn't scale properly and can't click stuff :(
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