TeleConveryer 2.x or rent 100-400 mk2 for F1 SPa

The 100-400 will be a little sharper and focus a little better. The 2.0TX is really meant for the exotic primes like 300mm and 400mm f/2.8

Either solution would work fine I would imagine..
I actually found the 70-200 2.8L with a telcon to be better than the old 100-400L but I never rated that lens at all.

The new 100-400 will be better though I think.
ok cool. i will only rent that lens but for the same price i can get a teleconverter that i can own and use occasionally

The 1.4xTC works better on the 70-200mm. You will have a little less reach but be a stop faster, better autofocus and good IQ. the 2.0X TC is just too much of a compromise in most situations.

On the 70-200 there isn't going to be a lot of difference in detail between copping a 70-200mm with 1,4X TC vs using a 2.0X TC. The advantage of the 1.4X TC is you are a stop faster so will be at half the ISO/twice the shutter speed which will likely improve detail a lot.
I think I'd rather have (and keep for future use) a TC and (maybe) compromise a little on quality than hire a lens for just one event.

I agree with D.P. - I've not done any pixel peeping comparisons (CBA) but I can't say I've noticed any loss of IQ with the 1.4X on my 70-200.
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