Telephoto advice needed.

8 Mar 2006
I am looking to get a new telephoto lens to replace my Nikon 55-200 DX kit lens. I am looking at the Sigma 70-200 f2.8. My current 200mm had enough reach for motorsport photography (my cameras main use) and I may add a 1.4x converter at a later date if needed.

I was just wondering if the newer macro version is worth the extra few quid? I'm not really into macro photography (not that I have ever tried it) however I have seen some reveiws saying its a slightly better lens than the non macro one?

Would greatly apreciate any advice/opinions, or any pics taken with the lens to further encourage me to buy it!

150 is slightly shorter than I need. Did look at it though as its a decent lens at a very good price.

I was also looking at the cheaper Nikon 70-300 VR, though it will be years before anywhere actaully starts selling it going buy how the 18-200 VR went. The sigma would be my preference over that.

Good comment Joe T :D very tempted to buy one at the mo.

divuk83 said:
I am looking to get a new telephoto lens to replace my Nikon 55-200 DX kit lens. I am looking at the Sigma 70-200 f2.8. My current 200mm had enough reach for motorsport photography (my cameras main use) and I may add a 1.4x converter at a later date if needed.

I was just wondering if the newer macro version is worth the extra few quid? I'm not really into macro photography (not that I have ever tried it) however I have seen some reveiws saying its a slightly better lens than the non macro one?

Would greatly apreciate any advice/opinions, or any pics taken with the lens to further encourage me to buy it!

Here is an image taken with the non macro version. I'm very pleased with this lens.

I hate to rain on your parade but the 50 - 150 f2.8 has an equiv. focal range of 75 - 225mm. This would have sufficed for motorsport. Also, it is a lot more compact, lighter and it is designed to meet the demands of a digital sensor. Supossed to be an excelent lens.

Although the 70 - 200 f2.8 is pretty good too. Did you not consider the 100 - 300 f4? Cant really see many motorsport shots being taken at f2.8? But then again, the extra light can be handy.

Will probably invest in a 1.4x converter (which will knock it up to a 280mm F4) for a bit of extra reach if needed. I have a 55-200 at the mo and most of the shots I take with it are at between 150 and 200, so the 150 lens might have been a bit short.

Can't post any sample shots as it doesn't arrive until tomorrow! :D

It arrived today along with a Sigma 500 DG ST flashgun. Need to go out and get a filter or two tomorrow. Anyone know if the jessops ones are multicoated or not? Aparently your only supposed to use multicoated ones on DSLR's?

Also is it worth selling my old 55-200 DX or should I just keep it? I don't know what its worth and its a nice compact lens so is useful to have. I have got my brother to post in the price check bit of the members market, if someone would reply to that I would be very greatful.

If I'm not allowed to post that last bit, then sorry, mods please edit that bit out.


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