Telescope me some earphones!

3 Aug 2004
My iPod earplugs (or Pluggy to their friends) have just met a most horrible death after being trapped for hours in a car door, ironically no one could hear their screams for help and they were later found limp and lifeless, attempts were made to resuscitate them but they died on the way the workbench. A quiet funeral took place with just the owner attending.

So I've been trying to find another good pair but there are just SO many about! Anyone have any recommendations for a good set of earphones? Around the £20 would be ideal.
fish99 said:
Sennheiser CX300 are better IMO than the EX71s for the same money having owned both.

Any reason why these seem to retail at about £35 at most shops but seem to be around £15 on a popular auction site? A lot of fakes? Looking to get a pair but dont want to be ripped off.
have a pair of ex71's and everyone i've reccomended them too is dead chuffed

awesome earphones, and they're really flexible too, no hard rubber parts

so they don't get munched in your pocket if you're in a rush :D
Ta guys, went for the Sony EX71s in the end as I found them £10 cheaper than the Sennheisers.

I'm sure they will be a huge improvement in the 97p Tesco value ones I picked up! :(
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