Tell me about: LPG Conversions! :)

24 Apr 2007
As I'm doing mega miles in the Ti, I was wondering if it'd be worth looking at an LPG conversion?

I currently do about 20k a year, but this might increase soon. With careful driving I can hit about 35mpg, so obviously if a conversion is around £1000 it looks like it could save a lot in the long run!

My questions would be:

1. What's the best system to use?

2. Will it work OK with my engine? The car is fitted with a fairly straightforward inline 4, turbocharged 2 litre lump, nothing particularly special.

3. Any extra servicing costs etc?

I plan on keeping the vehicle until it needs to go, it runs excellent and I can replace anything that breaks very quickly and relatively inexpensively. A good few years at least :)

Compared to my old diesel 30-35mpg kills the wallet, and I'm hardly on an excellent wage :(
The counter-argument is that petrol is also increasing in price, so a little moot I suppose.

I know that several T series turbos have been converted, so shouldn't be a problem :)
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