Tell me how to learn to play the Keyboard (Piano)

8 Jul 2006
Google Earth
Baically, what is the steps you should take?

If I know nothing about musical instruments, should I start by learning to read music or is there a step by step process I could follow?

Anyone tried learning to play the piano before? What did you do? Did you learn by yourself, by using self teaching sources, or pay to learn?

Can you recommend any software, beginner keyboards or books?

Best way is to find a teacher and take a few lessons until you have a firm grasp of the basic skills.

After that you can pretty much teach yourself and practice.
I don't really know... when I played an instrument I was given lessons during school time, so I can only assume my school had one.

Yellow pages? :/
get guitar pro 5.

find one of your favourite songs (in GP5 format)

learn the notes of the keys on the piano (it's easy)

learn the melody to one of your songs, when you're comfortable with that, start trying to apply the bass line.

it is hard so yeah, lessons would be nice
Phalanx said:
get guitar pro 5.

But he wants to play the piano :D

Just in case the OP is confused, Guitar pro also has a keyboard on it so you can see the notes playing on both guitar and keyboard - very useful.

The problem with tutors is that you could spend 2 years learning scales where you probably want to be able to play tunes straight away.
Find a tutor who is willing to show you both.
I joined a band as keyboardist having no previous playing experience, so I just learnt as I went along, it is possible. I thought learning to read music would be a barrier to learning to play better, but I've recently started having lessons and reading music is actually helping a lot with my playing so I'd definitely recommend learning to read music.
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