Tell me it's okay to buy a new TV

7 Jul 2011
Hi folks, my student loan has finally come to an end and I'm celebrating the end of debt servitude by taking on some more debt. I've been stuck with a 32" back up TV since my last LG gave up the ghost, I'm now looking to upgrade but I'm fairly cowardly when it comes to spending hundreds of pound so I need some nice internet people to stroke my hair and tell me everything is going to be okay in a soothing voice.

Looking at the LGUM7660PLA 55 inch on Richer Sounds for £499, I can get a slightly different 55" LG, with a similar Which rating from Argos for £449 using a family member,s discount, but I figure the extra 4 year warranty is probably cheap at £50.

Given it's Black Friday week what's the view on my choice? Anybody got any alternative suggestions. For context £500 is about my limit in terms of pricing.

Any help much appreciated.
I'd probably get a Panasonic 50gx800 from their ebay store ... £450 ... and/or look out for an additional ebay 10% voucher, maybe they do that on friday

there have been some similar recent threads.

Thanks for the tip, and apologies for the repeat subject, I noticed the other threads just after posting this.
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