Tell the song by the video?

10 Jul 2006
Hi there,

I had the hits on a couple of days (video channel) and it has a dance track on but i can't remember what the track was or who it was by.

Basically the video is on a beach with one wierd guy in orange speedos who is invited over to some nice girls in bikinis dancing and they are just there dancing.

Does anyone know the track?

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Cheetah Designs said:
Hi there,

I had the hits on a couple of days (video channel) and it has a dance track on but i can't remember what the track was or who it was buy.

Basically the video is on a beach with one wierd guy in orange speedos who is invited over to some nice girls in bikinis dancing and they are just there dancing.

Does anyone know the track?


that track is called "generic hiphop / RnB bull****" go pick any track of any RnB or hiphop artist, youl find it all the same...
Cheetah Designs said:
Hi there,

I had the hits on a couple of days (video channel) and it has a dance track on but i can't remember what the track was or who it was by.

Basically the video is on a beach with one wierd guy in orange speedos who is invited over to some nice girls in bikinis dancing and they are just there dancing.

Does anyone know the track?


sounds like my my my
Dance music videos are so poor these days, just a load of Chav looking club girls dancing about, while a lone frontman / women mimes along to a sample which probably isn't even them.

Of course if you like watching that sort of thing it's mint.
There was me thinking that this thread was some sort of competition - where in the member had to guess the song by viewing a screen capture of a music video.

Needless to say, I'm annoyed.
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