Temp control on crunching macs ...

6 Nov 2005
A few days ago, when I started my MacBook Pro folding, I was having some serious temp issues - core getting to 83C and higher. So, I did some reading around and found a neat little app that gives control of the minimum speeds that the fans are allowed to run at. My temps are now 69Cish, which is much better.

This is designed to work on MacBooks and MacBook Pros, so I'm not sure about compatibility with MacPros etc (you could still try it). Anyway, smcFanControl can be found here.

I'm finding that the new Gromacs SMP core is giving some tasty results - around 700 ppd on my laptop, I think (it's a pre-core2duo one, so only a coreduo). Get folding with those macs!
Yeah, I have no problem with replacing the thermal compound, I've pulled a few laptops apart. It's the warrenty that bugs me tbh though - I don't want to screw it for the sake of a few degrees. If apple thinks that it can go this high without throttling, then it's their problem if it dies.

It's running at 66, 67C on the cores at the minute, which isn't that bad. The fans go up to 7000rpm if you need them to but I've only got them going at 5000 for the sake of my ears.
SiriusB said:
7000 rpm!? :eek:

Does it hover across the table when the fans are spinning that fast? :p

\o/ I've never taken it up that far - no need. The fans are just about audible at 4500 rpm, which is what I have it set to now.
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