you can't disable dwm
but you can reset it to release some of its vram
the windows itself is the reason why i hate 3070 and its pony vram. it causes huge %1 lows when the vram is full (and its already full in recent games such as cyberpunk, re village, metro exodus and stuff. i can't imagine how hard nextgen games will hit both the 3070 and the 3080)
couple suggestions for "nextgen" 3070 vram experience
- disable all kinds of hardware accerelation stuff. you have to rely on your cpu on this task. my 2700x can handle it. 10700f should destroy it
900 mb of vram gone in smoke with a couple hardware accerelated programs...
after disabling hw accel on these software;
benefits = much higher %1 lows, smoother gameplay overall across many games
here are some couple tricks for extreme measures (cyberpunk at 4k with dlss performance)
taskkill /im explorer.exe /f
taskkill /im dwm.exe /f
taskkill /im ApplicationFrameHost.exe /f
taskkill /im ShellExperienceHost.exe /f
taskkill /im TextInputHost.exe /f
taskkill /im SearchApp.exe /f
taskkill /im dwm.exe /f
copy and paste these into a notepad, and rename it as .bat
running this will kill explorer.exe and reset dwm.exe ;
you will lose the explorer and the taskbar though. so do this only when you're desperate for vram (which we will be, in couple more years)
this tactic also culls down dwm.exe's vram usage. it does not bloat the way it bloats normally.
with these extreme tactics, i can run cyberpunk dlss 4k + performance without hitches for a while. but after dwm.exe creeps up again, you have to reset it. killing it is enough to reset it (it will restart)
taskkill /im dwm.exe /f
this code alone should do the trick
you can assign macros to your keyboard to run a shortcut of a .bat file killing the dwm.exe and kill it occasionally (every 20 30 minutes or so)
extra thought;
w11 will hit the VRAM even harder, most likely.