I have a 360 and Pc with Digital Z5500 Speakers and a Dell 2007wfp connected through VGA @ 720p
However, I am tempted to buy a 32" Samsung HDTV from OcUK and also a PS3 with motorstorm, genji and killzone.
Can anyone advise me at all?
is there a big scene for PS3 yet?
Are the graphics going to look good on a HDTV at 32" @ 720p
Any better than what I currently have?
Am I really missing out?
Is it going to be worth me spending £1000ish?
I am not bored of the 360, but would like better movie playback and looking at blueray as the way forward.
However, I am tempted to buy a 32" Samsung HDTV from OcUK and also a PS3 with motorstorm, genji and killzone.
Can anyone advise me at all?
is there a big scene for PS3 yet?
Are the graphics going to look good on a HDTV at 32" @ 720p
Any better than what I currently have?
Am I really missing out?
Is it going to be worth me spending £1000ish?
I am not bored of the 360, but would like better movie playback and looking at blueray as the way forward.