I'm posting this here as I suspect most of the use is via corporate systems etc. This is for a potential home solution so I'm curious to know how it performs with fast moving 3d stuff and yes I am curious about games.
So, bit of background. I'm about to lose my office to the 2nd child and therefore be rendered deskless and won't have space for my gaming PC. In the meantime, I have rackmounted a number of supermicro servers running vSPhere 6 and have no trouble adding my gaming PC to this setup... However, I need to feed gaming to any of the HTPCs in the house so I can continue to play games in any available room but also can then move rooms at a moments notice.
I've been looking at the Remote Workstation cards which can take the output from the GPU and pass it through the network to either a dedicated client OR via software to an existing PC.
So, what I would like to find out is how good the systems work? I know how the system works (at a basic level) but I'd like to know more about perceived latency both in the visual stream but also any mouse, keyboard latency; does it work as effectively as they suggest? Any downfalls etc.? $400 NZD for the Tera2 card (eBay) is far more effective use of money than $250k NZD on an extension for an office...
So, if you have any experience, any at all I'd love to hear from you.
I'm posting this here as I suspect most of the use is via corporate systems etc. This is for a potential home solution so I'm curious to know how it performs with fast moving 3d stuff and yes I am curious about games.
So, bit of background. I'm about to lose my office to the 2nd child and therefore be rendered deskless and won't have space for my gaming PC. In the meantime, I have rackmounted a number of supermicro servers running vSPhere 6 and have no trouble adding my gaming PC to this setup... However, I need to feed gaming to any of the HTPCs in the house so I can continue to play games in any available room but also can then move rooms at a moments notice.
I've been looking at the Remote Workstation cards which can take the output from the GPU and pass it through the network to either a dedicated client OR via software to an existing PC.
So, what I would like to find out is how good the systems work? I know how the system works (at a basic level) but I'd like to know more about perceived latency both in the visual stream but also any mouse, keyboard latency; does it work as effectively as they suggest? Any downfalls etc.? $400 NZD for the Tera2 card (eBay) is far more effective use of money than $250k NZD on an extension for an office...
So, if you have any experience, any at all I'd love to hear from you.