Terminal server immediately disconnects

13 Nov 2009
Hi all,

I've been looking round the net for similar problems without a lot of success.

We have a server at work that periodically starts dropping all RDP connections. There is no error message, the screen starts to open then immediately closes before even prompting for a username/password.

It happens from all PC's and I've tested using a few different TS clients.

The only solution is to reboot the server, but that is a real pain because it is in a production environment.

The ports are open and listening - I guess if they weren't it would return an error anyway.

Any suggestions gratefully received.
Sorry I should have said that it's not a Terminal server in the sense that its in Application mode. It's only use for administration and therefore isn't a licensing problem.

Interestingly, Shadow Volume copies is on, but only twice a day. However there is no real need for it so I've disabled and will see if it helps. The problem occurs normally about once a week on average so we'll see.

Event view has nothing by the way.

It hasn't done it since I turned off shodow copies it's been fine so I think that was the problem. I'm guessing there is some kind of bug with it, or with the raid controllers for IBM HS21 blades.
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