Terminator vs. Robocop

Hold up a second, very good editing skills and impressive work but...

Robocop beating Terminator...pfft yeah right, Robocop sucked major male horse genitals. He would get, to coin a phrase, pwned within a matter of seconds. Suggesting any different is blasphemy
Robocop is slower than a granny with rigormortis, how does he defeat anything?

Terminator wins.
They wouldn't fight. They'd both sit down and reminisce about how good their first and second films were compared to their third :p
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z0mbi3 said:
They wouldn't fight. They'd both sit down and reminisce about how good their first and second films were compared to ther third :p

lol i can just see them sat down with a cuppa chatting about the box office gross on their movies :D

well edited tho good job to the creator
Ehm.. Isn't that arm-panel on predator supposed to be a timed nuclear explosion?

Robocop is made of metal much softer than Terminator - Termie wins!
Terminator would win (what with him being far advanced tech wise, quicker, and basically harder). And wtf is the predator doing in it?. But, overall, excellent editing technique (picture in picture, correct use of mattes etc). My lecturer would lap that up.
Dr_Evil said:
Ehm.. Isn't that arm-panel on predator supposed to be a timed nuclear explosion?

Yeh i was gonna mention that. Explosion was pants compared to the one in Predator.
The editing involved in that is absolutely incredible.

He actually composited the characters into scenes from the opposite film.
Superb editing skills and choice of scenes
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