Terraform. How are you managing yor deployments?

18 May 2010
I am hoping there are people on these forums with experience with Terraform.

We currently use Ansible to manage our AWS infrastructure and use blue green deployments to promote staging to live after it goes through a QA process.

We are planning to migrate form Ansible to Terraform to manage the AWS infrastructure but have no idea how to manage our blue green deployments using Terraform.

How are people deploying new infrastructure in to their live env using Terraform?
It'll be a bit dependent on your CICD and hosting technologies. Typically you won't use Terraform to do the actual blue green flipping, but instead to help setup the longer lived infrastructure around it.

- VPCs / nats / etc
- longer lived load balancers, dns routing rules (route53)
- iam permissions
- s3 buckets etc

Then often you'll have another technology which does the final part of setting up hosting & blue/green flipping

What build, languages and hosting are you currently using?

Like what kind of technologies for the blue green flipping?
We use azure devops with the aws toolkit plugin for the new stuff. It helps us to automate some parts of EKS deployments.

It really depends on which hosting technology you use and your current CI solution. What are you guys using?

Gitlab, but there is plans to move to Azure Devops as the rest of the company use that.

(My team uses AWS and Gitlab but the rest of the company are Azure and Azure Devops)

I found this which seems to show a technique to do a blue green deployment with TF.
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