Terrance and phillip sketch

3 Mar 2008
Canterbury, Kent
Looking for this clip but cant find it, probably because i don't know where it is from :(

I think its something to do with saving something from being blown up in Canada

Dialogue goes roughly like this

I hate you

I hat you so much, do you know why i hate you

Becasue you a d***

NO because you think farting is so funny! when its not

I hate you so much, i wish you had cancer!


Yes head cancer!

Head cancer, what are you doing?!!

I wishing cancer upon you

Any one know where ist from or have a youtube link or something?

Would be appreciated lots :D
It's the first terrence and phillip episode that South Park did i think either end of season 1 or start of 2

edit: Episode 1 Season 2 Terrance & Phillip in Not Without My Anus
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