Terratec 2400i

18 Apr 2006
I bought one of these babies and it seems to be great.
I've recorded from it with no problems at the weekend (Dr Who!), but when I tried to burn the recording to DVD there was no sound - or rather there was a 'commentary' but it wasn't the actual sound from the programme!! :eek:

The .mpg that was made by the 2400i played perfectly in Nero Showtime, but not in Windows Mediaplayer where the same sound problem occurred.

I burned the DVD using Nerovision Express 3.

I am baffled by this and spent hours last night trying to change settings etc, but to no avail. I've emailed Terratec support and await their reply.

Could I just be missing some sort of Codec?
Ladforce said:
have you downloaded and installed the codec? or just ticked/unticked a box in the program? ac3 filter does not come installed by default. http://ac3filter.sourceforge.net/

Nahaa - that sounds like the answer I was looking for!
Thanks, i'll give it a go when I get home. :) :)

(It was an OEM card, so I didn't get much info and the pdf's weren't up to much from the Terratec site.)
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