Terrible iPhone 3G O2 signal on train.

2 Jul 2006
Hello there.

I took the train today from Cornwall to Worcester and had absolutley dire signal. I couldn't get phone or data 95% of the time. Even when I got to the station I had problems for 30 minutes or so. I'm now near Worcester on the train and everything is fine.

Is this normal? I can easily get 3G in Cornwall but couldn't get anything when travelling through more built up areas.
Ahh, what a bummer. Pulled out my K850i (Orange) whilst I was on the train and I had full signal and HSPDA :(

I can live with it though, just need to remember to get a decent game or two and some movies on my iPhone next time :)
UPDATE: Made the return trip today, and signal was brilliant. Had pretty much full mobile signal until I got to St. Austell, and I had 3G/EDGE throughout most of the trip.

I was sat right next to the window so this may have helped quite abit.
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