TERRIBLE performance problems

12 Jan 2003
York (+Lboro +New Malden)
Hey guys, I could really use some help here!

Basically since I've got this system (3800+ X2, 1800XT, 1gb ram) I have had one MAJOR problem. It takes AGES for maps to load in most games (ie BF2 and Q4). In bf2 once it had loaded its really choppy for about 5 mins then is totally fine, and in quake4 doesn't even do 1 frame every 5 seconds for a while then its fine for a certain area, then you turn around and off it goes again. The hard drive is always going full pelt throughout this both my last hd and this new one (7200.10) - but it MUST hd related?

You thoughts?

Results from HD Tach. Anything wrong with them?
No I'll install the 1.2 now...

On stock install (1.0) I just put the Quality down to High and it runs as smoothly as a babies bum. which is odd considering I ran the demo at ultra....

oh well... i'll patch it and try ultra again.
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