Tesla will no longer accept Bitcoin over climate concerns, says Musk

mr musk is a very smart man .. slash the price of bitcoin .. then buy up whats left .. he know it will go up again .. :)

Bitcoin has no intrinsic value at all. It is only good as long as people believe it is good. It could be wiped out in a day. Only an idiot invests in something so volatile. It's not to say there aren't rich idiots, but it is a large risk and the longer you stay in the game the more likely you are to lose everything.
Sorry to break it to you, but I think the general consensus is that crypto currencies are here to stay for quite a while.

I wouldn't bank on it. People and governments are starting to realise how wasteful they are. I think eventually there will be change. It will probably be change to protect the value of the currencies, but I think mining days have a very limited future.
only a million dollars a month leccy bill

The more you look at it, the more you realise how just insane it all is. It is a gross waste of resources and power. Computers probably many millions of times more powerful than they need to be to just run accounting software. Only humans are stupid enough to devise a system so wasteful. This is akin to "buffalo" hunting in America ( and many other examples worldwide ). Driven by greed without the slightest concern for the long-term ramifications.
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