test in the morning

16 Feb 2006

Got it at 9:10am, not sure if i'm nervous or not, probably will be when i get to it?

anyone got any decent stories to tell about when they took their tests ?? ?
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think the is a fiesta 1.8TD other not sure.

also, insurence wise, the cheapest quote i have got for my 1360cc 93 106xt is just uder £1400, is that about right :eek: :confused:
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MrLOL said:
is this your first test ?

if so accept now that you will most probably fail. Nearly every1 passes on their second attempt.

yea it is, thanks for the advice...i think?

i am a pessimist anyway so im not expecting the best but i'd like to get through in one

TaKeN said:
Good Luck m8.

I will be wishing for ya to pass :)

cheers mate :)
Le_Petit_Lapin said:
Yeah. Thats slightly under (to the tune of £60) what I'm paying per year for full cover.

Just endevour not to run over any pedestrians or t-bone another car, and it'll go down in time. :D

Oh, Good Luck by the way!

thanks for te good luck

full cover? my quote was for thrrd party
i failed :confused:

excellent drive, perfect route, nice person.

got back the test centre last 15 seconds on reverse park she said i didnt look out my left window and mirror enough but everywhere else otherwise excellent and 3 minors.

now looking everywhere else fine means i look from the front to the back so i feel i looked out the left hand side enough and i use that mirror more then any when reversing but if she it i guess thats that.

proper ******* crap
Rich1988 said:
instructors are usaully pretyt good and only fail you if you have done sometihng they feel could put you and other drivers at risk

my reverse park was spot in terms of placement but i still failed for something petty so....
if i did THAT badly that she had no choice to fail me then i think my instructor would have picked up on the fact that i havnt been doing it right from the start tbh
rG-tom said:
sorry to say this cyanide but you can't really go on about a 1.7TDi being a turbo'd car using the idea that turbo = fast, that doesnt count on stock 1.7 turbo diesels they really aren't :(

I passed my test first time two minors and had a really good chat with the examiner about cameras etc, i pulled out after a lorry on a roundabout and it slammed its brakes on and went over a curb, and i thought i was going to get criticised for going too close to it but didnt even get a minor for it :)


wish i had her, i'd be driving round to misses right now :( now i gotta wait till the 20th june before i can try again
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