test rides, CBT ''sports'' 125's etc.

27 Aug 2003
ok guys, in the week coming i've got my CBT booked.

so i'm looking at learner legal bikes and was quite taken by the usual suspect, the yzf-r125.

however looking at other ''sports'' 125's i've noticed aprillia have gone to the 4t dark side and released the rs4 125. now i think both of these bikes are stunning and for my daily commute plus some fun every now and again i think they fit the bill nicely.

however i have now hit a bit of a wall with trying to make a decision.

i have sent a couple of emails out to suppliers in my area and it seems you can't test ride bikes if you only have a CBT......

i've spent a couple of hours trawling through youtube etc.. and there is quite a lack of vids/info for the rs4 125.

how am i expected to decide on a bike if i can't go for a ride? i mean, the quick-shifter on the rs4 looks like a nice idea but how do i know if i cant use it?!

i am however leaning towards the aprilia for the quick shifter the slightly cheaper cost and that it's a little different but there is such a lack of reviews, comparisons and general info!! the only worthwhile vid is of some italian kids letting his dad ride it around a car park!!

so i'm in a bit of a conundrum!!

also, does anybody know what the first registration fees on a bike? i see in the small print that the prices don't generally include this!!

damn it. i just want my bike already lol!!

ohh, and another quick question.

im 25 and this will be my first vehicle. does £700 fully comp sound about right?

thanks again guys,

yes, but up until now i haven't missed a car and everybody says what i'm missing out on but i don't feel the need to drive. and to be honest i want to enjoy the journey from little bikes up, and ass such would not want to buy a ******* just to save a few quid.

by the sounds of things the Aprilia will be a bit more powerful and about 15Kg lighter than the Yammy so i think pending a sit on i'm settled on the Aprilia!

CBT to get booked tomorrow get that done then i'm going to talk to the aprilia guys!

going to start a bit of a blog thread in here in a couple of days.
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