Test Rides?

29 Dec 2009
What's the deal with them, do you need to be insured on your own bike with a policy that lets you ride other bikes?

Or does the dealer arrange a 1 day insurance sort of thing?

I'm thinking about the ER6's but not sure if I want the ER6F or ER6N (Faired vs Naked)..
The dealers usually have their own cover, but most places are 25+ and require you to leave them with a credit card...

But some places I have been told if you have your own TPO cover and can prove it then they might let you out, obviously you pick up the cost if you damage it etc..

Love that video :D you wont see anything like that being done anymore, not by racers anyway, some of the stuff fast bikes mag etc used to get up to too was mental!
I test rode a brand new CBR 600RR at 21 on their insurance, it was a £1,000 excess as far as I can remember.

I was also only 24 when I test rode my ZX10r too.. again a £1,000 excess if you bin it.
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