Test time

I've said it before & I'll say it again, Just do what your instructor has taught you & you'll be fine.

I only did my test April this year so if you have any specific questions then fire away.
Keep calm and try to enjoy yourself (not too much though :p). Took me 2 attempts and on the second try I was a lot more relaxed which really helped in my opinion.
Spot on what 4T5 said.

Basically, all the training you have done with your instructor, all the shouting he may have done is for your own benefit, now it time to put it to practise!

Watch out for all of those idiots on the road, be very observant as the examiner loves that and just be your self!
yeah...training has been more or less me riding for the past year on my 'Dero 125 and a 3 hour 'lesson' with the instructor on a gs500. He pretty much said 'yeah, you're fine' and that was it.
I'll be taking the test in Leicester
yeah...training has been more or less me riding for the past year on my 'Dero 125 and a 3 hour 'lesson' with the instructor on a gs500. He pretty much said 'yeah, you're fine' and that was it.
I'll be taking the test in Leicester

I took mine in Leicester as well. :)

I can recommend a Brilliant instructor if you want more lessons.
This is a link to his website; http://www.sureridingmotorcycletrainingleicester.co.uk/Direct-Access.php

Be prepared to get ear ache though as he shouts at you a lot. :p
with Steve he will actually take you to the compound that you do your MOD1 in & you can have a few goes until you feel comfortable. Going around the actual test centre rather than a few cones set up in a car park is Ten times better.
He will also take you around the routes that you'll do your MOD2 on as well.
He's very professional & most of my training was either done 1 on 1 or with 1 other trainee. His bikes are in perfect working order & are very smooth & easy to control.
If you ring Steve I'm pretty sure he will help you out for a reasonable fee.
Worth baring in mind that I passed my MOD 1 & 2 with Steve First time.

The MOD 1 is all about slow speed clutch control & with practice & the right technique it's quite enjoyable whizzing around the compound & it is a lot easier on a Big bike as the brakes are better & you can accelerate to the required speed a lot easier.
The MOD 2 I found a lot easier as it's all about riding on the road & the examiner rather than being a mini Hitler wannabee was/is just a Biker like us.

I think the main thing that helped me was my training with Steve as he shouts at you so much when you make mistakes it just knocks them out the way never to return. Also with him taking me to the compound for as many goes as I liked made it kind of familiar, We literally went to the compound the day before & had as many goes as it took for us to feel comfortable.

I can't really understand your instructor only giving you 3 hours as in my mind you need more time than that to get it locked into your head.
After training with Steve I even check my blind spot when walking & crossing the road. :D

If you think of any questions or need more help/info then ask away. :)
Drunkenmassacre, is your instructor Tim by any chance? :p

In Leicester you need to be careful of the bus lanes, as you can use them at certain times, if you don't then it's a fail, unless the examiner (Neil?) is feeling very kind.
Just be safe, that's all the examiner is looking for. He's not expecting you to be amazing but make sure you're observant (lifesavers are a must)
Ride it like you stole it!

I jest... just ride safely, be observant of other road users and don't worry too much about your instructor watching you. He doesn't care about you impressing him, he just wants to know that you can ride a bike without being too much of a Richard.
Hehe, sounds like sound advice :P

Looking forward to it, shouldn't be too daunting though I'll probably get some city riding in before hand - more of a back road rider usually :)
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