Test waiting lists?

28 Mar 2005
is there anyway of seeing how long the waiting list is for my area without going through the whole booking thing.

i would like to know just incase i do lose my licence in 2 weeks :(
You can often get cancellations, though...

Just keep checking, every day (if it comes to that).
And, one last thing to add, aren't these retests after the 6 points in the probationary period extended ones?
Not as far as I know?

I think they can be ordered by the judge though.

Ask Dangerous, he'll know :p
Tupac said:
And, one last thing to add, aren't these retests after the 6 points in the probationary period extended ones?
That's only after offences such as Drink Driving AFAIK.
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8 Weeks for my local one! (St Albans)

But, as said before, check daily/hourly for cancellations, which can now be done online (how i did mine in august/sept last year)
This site is saying 6 weeks for car tests at my centre, but I booked mine last week and I only had to wait 3 weeks for the test date :) I got the confirmation letter yesterday so its all systems go :)
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