Testing a new build

24 Apr 2006
What do I need to test the various components of a new build (EG memory etc) I have seen references to various items of software but would like a comprehensive list (and where to get them from) so I am well prepared

Also what would be the prefered sequence of operations when testing

Many thanks

I can't give you a comprehensive list but I'd suggest memtest86, Prime95, CPU burn in, HDTach, 3dmark series 01/03/05 and maybe SuperPI. There are plenty of other utilities available but I'd run a mixture of them, all are easily and freely available from a quick google. Oh and run them in any order you choose :)
semi-pro waster said:
I can't give you a comprehensive list but I'd suggest memtest86, Prime95, CPU burn in, HDTach, 3dmark series 01/03/05 and maybe SuperPI. There are plenty of other utilities available but I'd run a mixture of them, all are easily and freely available from a quick google. Oh and run them in any order you choose :)
i'd go with the above too... although 3D Mark (and Super PI i guess) are more of benchmarking than testing, they can still help to see if your PC can make it through a session of 3D mark or a 32m SuperPI... and they'll always come in handy for willy waving purposes :D
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