
5 Apr 2009
West Midlands
Just went in for my bike theory and failed on the multiple choice. :( So annoyed, feel so stupid. Makes it worse that I have been doing mock tests online for the past week and constantly passing them and getting a higher score each time really.

Got 39/50 so 4 off passing. Got 56 on hazard perception which is okay I guess. Some questions that I just hadn't revised though such as horses at a roundabout? And the stopping distances, I'm pretty sure I won't be measuring with a ruler how far my vehicles has skidded in the rain. Ah well, I'm just mad, can't fight the system. Going to do it again in a week or so probably. Any advice?

Oh one other horrendous thing is that the nearest Mod1 test centre is ~70 miles away from me in any direction. Absolute JOKE. If I failed that, dear god, I would not be happy. Not even sure how I am going to get there, would take a good 2 hours considering I'm not yet allowed on the motorway. Damn the system. :(
Unlucky on the theory but keep trying and you will get it!

Not sure what you can do about MOD1 though:confused: Anyone you know near a test centre that you can spend a night at to your not tired after 2 hours of 8k rpm lol?
Just went in for my bike theory and failed on the multiple choice. :( So annoyed, feel so stupid. Makes it worse that I have been doing mock tests online for the past week and constantly passing them and getting a higher score each time really.

Got 39/50 so 4 off passing. Got 56 on hazard perception which is okay I guess. Some questions that I just hadn't revised though such as horses at a roundabout? And the stopping distances, I'm pretty sure I won't be measuring with a ruler how far my vehicles has skidded in the rain. Ah well, I'm just mad, can't fight the system. Going to do it again in a week or so probably. Any advice?

Oh one other horrendous thing is that the nearest Mod1 test centre is ~70 miles away from me in any direction. Absolute JOKE. If I failed that, dear god, I would not be happy. Not even sure how I am going to get there, would take a good 2 hours considering I'm not yet allowed on the motorway. Damn the system. :(

Unlucky mate! Don't worry I remember I travelled 20 miles to mine and had forgotten m plastic license. :mad:
I would suggest having a look at the highway code:


Has everything you would need there.
Questions are geared around safety, if unsure go for the safest option. Horses are scared of noises so the answer would be stay back and give them room etc.
Just keep trying mate you will get there soon enough :) I failed my mod2 three times due to just sheer bad luck and the test center was a 80m round trip :( but I got there in the end!
I had a question on the test that I had absolutely no idea on as I read the highway code book inside our and the Motorbike Theory book and never saw it (may have missed it)

You come to a gated crossing with no signals and the operator tells you its safe to cross do you

A) Lift the gate yourself
B) Lift one then call the Operator
c) Lift on and move onto the tracks
d) Lift one and close it behind you

I was literally just sat there looking at it thinking WAH!!!!
You come to a gated crossing with no signals and the operator tells you its safe to cross do you

A) Lift the gate yourself
B) Lift one then call the Operator
c) Lift on and move onto the tracks
d) Lift one and close it behind you

I was literally just sat there looking at it thinking WAH!!!!

Come on....don't leave us hanging here...

Seeing as there isnt an option to shout at operator "oi Jack***, get over here and sort this gate out......"I would go B, as I wouldn't want to leave myself on the tracks :D
I had a question on the test that I had absolutely no idea on as I read the highway code book inside our and the Motorbike Theory book and never saw it (may have missed it)

You come to a gated crossing with no signals and the operator tells you its safe to cross do you

A) Lift the gate yourself
B) Lift one then call the Operator
c) Lift on and move onto the tracks
d) Lift one and close it behind you

I was literally just sat there looking at it thinking WAH!!!!

I'd guess d as you've already informed the operator your crossing and in what vehicle (a question they ask) so it's just a case of opening and closing the gate after you.
I went for D as it seemed the most logical out of the lot but not sure If I got it right or not, either way I passed lol
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