Text size on HD screens

7 Aug 2005
My gaming time is spent on my PC with a 47" Samsung LED Smart TV. I am finding that on many games, some of the text within them is near impossible to read due to it being so small on high resolution.

I imagine PC games are made with gamers who sit right in front of a monitor in mind, rather than living room gamers that sit 10 feet away of which a console is designed for and I expect there is nothing that can be done about this other than move closer to the screen or lower the resolution.

Is there anything in windows that can help with this, or is it entirely dependant on the game?
I admit my eyes aren't brilliant but I've asked other people whose are that also tell me text is alone games is virtually illegible from a living room seating distance of 6-8ft. The Witcher 3, GTA5, Wolfenstein all examples of games that have text which is tiny on 1080p screens. I am soon to buy a 4k screen which I imagine will only magnify the problem.
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