Textiles for the taller gentleman

24 Mar 2011
Seeing as summer is now well and truly gone (judging by the last few days)... :(

...my cheap Aldi textiles that have seen me through summer and kept me relatively dry ain't gonna be good enough once the proper weather comes, after 40 minutes of rain I get a damp arse, which isn't pleasant for the rest of the day at work, and they take a full day to dry out. They're also too short in the leg, after 20 mins or so they ride up and start to come over the top of my boot.

So, who (apart from Rukka - the Armas pro-shell kit is awesome but the price is eye-watering!) does specific long leg textiles? I'm 6ft 3, 12 stone ish so a lanky git, and have problems getting stuff that's long enough in the arm and leg.

I'd love some pro-shell goretex kit, but the main factor is a long leg option, goretex ain't no good if they ride above my goretex boots and let water in.
I just bought a pair of these http://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/motorcycle_parts/content_prod/96798

I'm 6' 1" and they're too long for me (but they do neatly fold up inside). Should be perfect for another 2" of height, maybe even still a little long.

Gonna take a look in my local shop at the weekend, they have 25% off this weekend and do furygan gear (I have their kevlar jeans) so will try these on, ta. Do you have the matching titan jacket? The D30 armor is awesome, I wear it all day at work, even for 12 hours a day sometimes and it's comfy any anything.

Did notice that quite a few makers do long leg versions, though it would only be a few tbh, so there's more choice than I realised.
Yes, I got the Titan too, also in black. Very nicely styled, perfect look for riding a sports tourer (Aprilia Caponord) and as you say, very good protection, although I think I'd like to beef up the back protector a little more.

Super warm too - can't see myself ever needing to put the winter lining back in.

How water proof have the jacket and trousers been? I do like furygan gear so these are high on the list. Don't really want to spend too much as the extra money well be going towards a new bike later this year, so gore-tex stuff is out.
Yeah I'm not a fan of rain suits either, you end up getting soaked anyway from the sweat! Plus the hassle of putting them on, I've been in rain where by the time I'd stopped to put them on I'd have already been soaked through to the bone.
Bought a pair of furygan duke textiles trousers today :)

Now I'm 6' 3" tall, and these things are seriously long even on me! On the bike, knees bent, the bottom of them sits at the top of my foot, the knee armor sits just right too. I lined them up against my old textile trousers and there's probably a good 4 inches more length between the crotch and the bottom of the leg.

I have a feeling they're going to be very warm too, even without the thermal liner they're thick and with it in I got a sweat on putting them on in the shop :D

I've had D3O armor before but I had to check the hip armor was there, they're very flexible and hardly noticeable when wearing them.

Big thumbs up :cool:

I tried on the titan jacket too and one of these will be joining the dukes later this year, with the lining in the jacket is super warm, the lining is very thick. Fitted nicely, arm length was maybe half an inch too short but with full length winter gloves they'll be fine.
just in time,its getting nippy now at night

Yeah this week riding into work at 7am I've been getting cold hands, been getting down to 7 or 8 degrees, after a 40 minute ride I can feel the cold. Winter ain't far away :(

Some winter gloves are next on the shopping list, my current jacket will be ok for a few weeks yet.
I'll let you know what they are like once they've been used in anger.

Those gloves look very nice, "outdry" seems like gore-tex pro shell, and they seem to have a lot more protection than normal winter gloves. Might have to see if anywhere local stocks them :)
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Well, the dukes just had their first proper baptism :D

And they passed with flying colours. 45 minutes and 25 miles of very heavy rain at 60 mph (Ashford triumph to Maidstone along the A20, dodging huge puddles halfway across the road) my cheap aldi textile jacket left me with some damp patches, on my belly and strangely on my right shoulder :confused: arms were getting cold too even with the inner lining in.

I had a slightly cold (but not wet) arse, but my bottom half was bone dry thanks to the dukes, not a drop of water got in from my waist to my feet (Alpinestars smx 6 gore-tex boots), and my legs were warm with just a thin pair of jeans underneath and no thermal lining.

Big thumbs up for the furygan duke pants, I'll be getting the titan jacket in a few weeks to complete the set. And they're probably long enough for someone a couple of inches taller than me. The only slight annoyance is the fleecy lining makes them tricky to get on and off, but other than that they're great. My wallet was bone dry too which was in the trouser pocket.

UnKle - did you buy the zero 2's? I tried a couple of places that stock knox but nowhere has the zero 2 in stock. Ideally wanted to try on a pair, did try on a pair of handroids in medium and they were snug, zero 2 sizing puts me at medium in those.
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Yeah I did, they were £199 (same as get geared and sportsbikeshop) but I managed to haggle 10% off as I did my CBT with phoenix based there :) they were £175 online up until a couple of weeks ago but have gone up in price since then.
God yeah, with the liner in I'd be boiling! I took it out the day I got them and haven't used it yet, been toasty warm even after an hour or so on the motorway, and the mornings which are too chilly in my kevlar jeans are nice and warm in the Dukes. It has highlighted how cold my el'cheapo textile jacket is, even with the thermal lining in. I reckon I'll get a Titan jacket after payday, especially as it's now dark when I ride home from work :(

And I've given up on the zero2's, they just don't fit (see the other thread) so I'll be getting some muffs when it turns colder/I know what bike I'm getting.
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