Thought it would be cool if we had a steam names thread for TF2 and the servers where we play mostly on - seen a few people asking for good servers and thought this might help.
Add 'fireforce0' to steam friends, or go to Steam profile. I play under the name Turtles. On exam leave atm so playing a little more than I used to
Good servers that I'm normally on are listed below. Always fun when you're playing with the same regular people and the banter is good, I hate servers where no one talks
Feel free to list other servers. |UK| #1 Crazy Fun |HLX|
|H|H| TF2 #1 - 24 slots TF2
|H|H| TF2 #2 - 24 slots TF2
Add 'fireforce0' to steam friends, or go to Steam profile. I play under the name Turtles. On exam leave atm so playing a little more than I used to

Good servers that I'm normally on are listed below. Always fun when you're playing with the same regular people and the banter is good, I hate servers where no one talks

Feel free to list other servers. |UK| #1 Crazy Fun |HLX|
|H|H| TF2 #1 - 24 slots TF2
|H|H| TF2 #2 - 24 slots TF2