Tft gauss?

15 Aug 2003
Hey guys I’ve got a bit of a problem; I have two Identical view sonic vp201b’s but one of them has been slowly failing after prolonged use (2-4 hours) but it kept fixing itself after 3-4 hours of turning it off. This is no longer the case. It is constantly failing and providing what I can only describe as the effects a magnetic imbalance. But is this even possible on a tft? Here are some photo’s so you can see what I’m talking about.

Does anyone have any idea what this is and what could be causing it and more importantly how I could go about fixing it? The only sources of magnetism near that monitor are a light and two speakers… But this is also true of the other monitor which is not experiencing any adverse effects? Does this look like an RMA job?
Indeed, hadn't even thought of that. I have the capability to change it to another card (Sli rig, would just mean another monitor out of view on those pics gets thrown off)

So its a videocard issue?
Thanks for you help and sorry for my incompetence. Had a quick fiddle about with the cables to find that both a DVI and Analogue cable were connected to the monitor in question (something I think every manual for a tft on the planet says is a no no and to make matters worse... on separate cards, dread to think what my computer was trying to send to the monitor) It seems to have resolved the issue.

I’m a little embarrassed about this if I’m honest. Can’t believe I didn’t even think about the graphics cards in this situation. Even worse, I was starting to budget an upgrade that I didn’t want to make (I’m holding out for two 3007WFP’s somewhere down the line)

Thanks guys, speedy response as ever (Should charge for technical support for numpties like me to be honest =P )

EDIT: Ohnoes, the fix seems to be short lived, problem still persists, trying the cable on the other monitor now to see what effect that has.
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