Thank You AcidHell2!

8 Mar 2007
Being buried in the existing threads I think this is going to get missed, so though I would start a thank you thread.

AcidHell2 has announced his retirement (although I think this is the second time ;)) from creating the F1 threads for each race.

It is a sad loss, you have helped keep the arguments in the forum organised for many a season.

Thank you for all your efforts!

But from the ashes, a new era dawns. Duke has kindly agreed to take on the responsibility and keep the race threads going.

Thank you Duke!

That is all :)
Posted in the Korean thread but will say it again:

Thanks for all the hard work you've put in over the years with the race threads AH2.

I'm glad you're not leaving us completely. :)

I, for one, welcome our new Duke overlord!
Thanks guys, it's been a pleasure. But circumstances change and im just working away far to often.

Haha Duke I can just imagine you planning terror.

Another one bites the dust... ;)

That makes... 3 of us? :D

I think you're right. A new era of prosperity will Dawn.
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