Thank you for placing your Apple Store order.

18 Oct 2002
I can't believe I've gone and finally done it...

I ordered a 20" iMac 2.0Ghz, and I cannot wait...

Full spec:-

ATI Radeon X1600-256MB SDRAM
2GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM-2x1GB
250GB Serial ATA drive
SuperDrive 8X
iWork 06-INT
WL Kybd-Mse & Mac OS X-UK
Airport & Bluetooth

Now all I need to do is clear my desk of clutter, tidy up any loose wires (router, speakers etc) and plonk my new 'puter right in the middle.

Commiserations, 'tis always a shame to see someone join the dark side :p

More seriously though I hope you enjoy it, can I ask why you went for an Imac(it even sounds like a ladies shaver :o) though as your signature lists a pretty decent PC?
Design, the all-in-one package, both hardware AND software...

The added knowledge I can play my fav. game Day of Defeat Source using boot camp.

Yes, my setup is good, but i want something different.

I'm sure I'll go back to pc, when the need for a gaming machine takes top priorieties(sp?), but this will be used for much more than that...

Even buying a freeview box too for pretty excited...
I saw an iMac set up in John Lewis the other week and goodness me... is that thing sexy or what? So sleek, so refined, so minimalistic... so Apple ;)

Congratulations, sir. You've finally come to your senses :p
sjohal2006 said:

Not when you see the fact I was going to spend the same amount on a Sony Viao TX2

PLUS this pc cost a lot more, though it does have more gaming power.

But, we'll see

Oh and the guy who booooo'ed me...

Just wait for the pictures, just wait...


I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.

"Dual core intel goodness.... in an iiiddy-biddy ickle box...."

I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.
NickK said:

I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.

"Dual core intel goodness.... in an iiiddy-biddy ickle box...."

I will resist buying a mac mini.
I will resist buying a mac mini.

I wouldnt, and i didnt! lol Best buy i ever made, only sold it to get an iMac (same spec as PAC2006 just bought) Got a few more Quids to save, but i will have one :)

So congrats on your purchase, pics will be nice when you get it!
I didnt think intel made cpus that slow? The slowest Ive seen is 2.6ghz. How much did that cost? Last time I checked macs cost about double what a pc would. :eek:
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The mac uses core duo but the slowest core duo ocuk sell is 2.6ghz @ £90. Thats why im confused.
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Just reminds me of a few years back when I was working with a local photographic firm. They had taken some studio pictures for the company I work for and I had asked them to do some touching up etc in Photoshop 7.0.

They had just bought 2 new mac's and I had just built my new XP2500+ system and challenged them to see which was quicker my new PC or their new mac's. Well needless to say my PC was faster at everything in photoshop than the mac's.

Basically IMO Mac's are very overrated, they were for a long time (about 8 years ago) much more powerful than PC's especially when running things like Photoshop and Quark, but PC's have caught them up and overtaken them.

Look at it this way, if you compare what spec PC you could buy for the same cost as a Mac then, the PC will always win hands down!
Concorde Rules said:
Its Core Duo, Conroe? Or some form of it? It kicks ass. Mhz doesnt matter comparing different cores.


Pretty sure its Yonah

Energize said:
The mac uses core duo but the slowest core duo ocuk sell is 2.6ghz @ £90. Thats why im confused.

No the 2.6ghz is a presler, the core duos are yonah im pretty sure.
Energize said:
The mac uses core duo but the slowest core duo ocuk sell is 2.6ghz @ £90. Thats why im confused.

That would be a serious bargain . . . shame it's not a Core Duo ;)
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