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thanks amd for disabling down sampling.

22 Nov 2005
Thank you amd you are so kind for making sure all the programs that can force down-sampling no longer work with your precious drivers after 13.1X something you have done in the past before long ago :rolleyes:

this is the last ****** straw for me your AA modes are already crap compared to the ones Nvidia can force with Nvidia inspector! and down-sampling was the only way to get crystal clear graphics with 0 flickering in some games.

off to the dark side I go once again.

and yes I'm aware there is a workaround by unstinting 13.1x+ , installing an older driver version , uninstalling all of it's driver files apart from the registry data and catalyst config , installing the new drivers but keeping the old driver settings intact.

which frankly I find a ridiculous workaround to something there is no reason for amd to get out of their way and get rid off....
Thanks for the public rant, I'm sure everyone appreciates it.

Couldn't you just use CRU to set up a custom resolution? I'm forcing 80 Hz on my 2560x1440 monitor using this method.

some people said it hard locked there comp when they enabled the resolution so I'm not even going to bother trying it
and I'm sure anyone else wondering why the downsampling tools no longer work do appreciate it rather than faffing on with oem monitor drivers wondering why it no longer works

sounds like CRU actually overirdes your monitor and forces it to display that res anyway where as the old "amd downsampling tool gui" the res already got scaled down before the monitor got any signal.

so even if you were running 2560x1440 or whatever it would still be displayed as 1920x1080 on your monitor but with all the extra clarity
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Have you reported this to AMD? They have been fairly rapid at fixing user reported issues lately....

I don't see why amd care about third party tools and it's likely a driver decision.
I'd guess probably less than 10% of people even know what down sampling is and use it.

amd likely don't care about losing another 10% or so of their userbase to nvidia where its so much easier to force AA levels with nvidia inspector than it ever was faffing around to get good IQ on amd.
You care enough to rant [which took more effort than filling in the form] but its not important enough to fill in the AMD report form, i guess its not important.

well I'm sure amd people still roam around the types of forums such information gets posted on and they are likely already aware.

although no one from AMD appears to have made any comments
The amount of tech forums on the web and you're expecting AMD to read all of them regularly...?
no but I know for a fact some of the forums I post on have amd driver guys posting on them.
and none of them have ventured into the downsampling threads , one was asked a direct question in another thread but never answered.
anyway it's not a new issue its been going on since 13.1 and we are in 13.6 beta already and 13.4 whql.

people have reported it even if I have not.


CRU definitely overides your monitor and forces it to run out of spec and can kill your monitor so for anyone looking for an alternative to "amd downsampling gui tool" which is a third party tool and not supported by amd then look elsewhere or to the green side and nvidia inspector.
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I don't know what it is and I'm curious. Anyone care to explain?

basicly you set your games resolution to something higher than your monitor resolution can higher.

I used to run 2560x1440 and downsample it to 1920x1080 (with amd downsampling gui a program not made by amd) your monitor would receive the signal at 1920x1080 but with the clarity of 2560x1440

like when you take a screenshot of a game
and then you half it and it looks so much more crisp and sharp and it's like AA but on steroids because it does not miss a single pixel of the screen.

heres an example.

pcars rendered at 2560x1440 > to 1920x1080 with 4xAA

look at the lines of the car the body panel edges etc and how smooth and awesome they look like it's not even a screenshot of a game...

with just 4x AA

whilst the second image has few jaggies all the lines etc look wierd and fuzzy the clarity is utter crap in comparison

They as BEEN ZERO reports of CRU damaging displays. So dont spread junk here.
You're telling me overriding your monitors EDID and running it out of spec is perfectly safe with no risks at all?

This program adds monitor resolutions, not scaled resolutions. Lower resolutions will be scaled up if GPU scaling is enabled, but higher resolutions won't be scaled down by the GPU. Higher resolutions will only work if the monitor can handle them.
where as with amd downsampling_gui the actual scaling was down before the signal reached the monitor so the monitor for all it was concerned was running in spec
anyone who thinks overriding your monitors EDID and running it out of spec must be on crack if they think there are no risks no matter how small they may be.

I'm not willing to risk running my monitor out of spec no matter how small the risks might be so my only option if I want the clarity I had grown used to would be to switch to nvidia and force super sparse grid sampling with nvidia inspector.

I know your supposed to be able to force high levels of AA with radeon pro or whatever it's called but I could never get it to work in everygame like you can with nvidia inspector
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I was told on another forum
AFAIK the interfaces necessary for the current programs used for down-sampling have been removed due to driver framework redesigns.

Unless the coders who made the program you use re-write their software, it will most likely never work again.
Not by someone at amd though just someone whos a hardcore programmer I guess

I don't understand why amd/nvidia never just add downsampling to the drivers if someone could do it third party it must be easy for amd/nvidia to do as an AA enhancement for people with powerful enough gpu's who want extreme clarity
btw heres a guide to downsampling with nvidia / ati for anyone who is interested

obviously with amd you have to use the 12.11 drivers or mess about reinstalling and uninstalling to get it to work with the newer drivers

BTW you probably need to use an oem monitor driver to get it working as most monitor drivers hardlock you out of resolutions the monitor doesnt support (but as that article says the monitor displays it at the normal res if you use the tools in that guide)
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