That B&W action...Batch Process?

12 Jul 2004
Hi all

Further to the superb Black & White action cykey posted a while back:

I've just used it for a few shots and its great. Especially with the warm tone. I'm not the best at editing actions but does anyone know how to get this to run in a batch mode. The fact that it has popup messages and stops prevents it working in the normal way.

Any help appreciated.

btw I am running the batch via bridge>photoshop>image processor

cheers :D
The best way is to edit the action to remove those popup messages. I duplicate them so I have one for black and white, one for the warmer tones function. That way if I want to do a batch process I can.
cyKey said:
The best way is to edit the action to remove those popup messages. I duplicate them so I have one for black and white, one for the warmer tones function. That way if I want to do a batch process I can.

I tried that and I could only get the regular tone to work (not the warm tone). any chance you can mail me your improved action for batch processing? cheers
morgan said:
I tried that and I could only get the regular tone to work (not the warm tone). any chance you can mail me your improved action for batch processing? cheers

You probably missed removing the "Stop" command at a guess.
Are there any good black and white techniques for people without Photoshop?

I usually just use RawShooter and Paint Shop Pro.. :(
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