That Ico feeling is back

30 May 2005
Greater Manchester
Wow - just wow !!

Just started playing Shadow of the Colossus on the PS2, and can't believe they managed to squeeze those old feeling I had playing Ico into it.

Wasn't expecting too much, it didn't quite the reviews Ico got, and Ico is by an absolute mile my favourite PS2 title to date.

I am still at the start of the game (30 mins in). I found myself mesmerised by the opening movie, shocked seeing the girl on the horse (didn't see her till he reached the alter), and chuffed that the main character moves and feels the same to play as in Ico...
I killed the first 2 colossi (?) and each time was genuinely upset and moved when I had done so....

It's a class game. Not sure it will be quite Ico, but it sure gives me those same feelings.
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Fair enough Otacon, absolutely no intention whatsoever to make myself look big or clever, but like I said - its on pre-order.
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