Just thought i would give you guys a heads up on the latest software update for the THB Bury CC9060.
This new update allows * * MULTIPOINTING * *
For anyone who doesnt know what this is, in plain English it means TWO PHONES PAIRED AT THE SAME TIME!
The basic mechanics is that the last phone used is the Primary handset, but whichever rings, the kit will answer. In the unlikely event that both phones should ring at exactly the same moment, the Primary is proritised (you can of course chose to reject that call and accept the other if you so wish).
This update is a change to software only, so can be applied to any pre-existing system.
This new update allows * * MULTIPOINTING * *
For anyone who doesnt know what this is, in plain English it means TWO PHONES PAIRED AT THE SAME TIME!
The basic mechanics is that the last phone used is the Primary handset, but whichever rings, the kit will answer. In the unlikely event that both phones should ring at exactly the same moment, the Primary is proritised (you can of course chose to reject that call and accept the other if you so wish).
This update is a change to software only, so can be applied to any pre-existing system.