The 1024 Width rule

1 Nov 2003
Lisbon, Portugal
Bonjourno passing Dons/anyone in particular,

I have to say, I'm not a huge fan of the forum rule of no images bigger than 1024, although I totally appreciate why it's put in place.

Specially as a photographer, I like seeing images as big as possible, as do my fellow comrades.

I propose an exception to the rule:

1) The 'post your pictures here' thread is exempt from this rule, anyone trying to view that on a phone and moaning it's taking long to load/difficult to look at is being a grade A noob and should be banned instantaneously from the photography sub forum. Lets face it, the hint is in the name, it's going to take a while to load regardless of what you use.

2) Only the photography Sub-forum if you put something in the title saying the images are over 1024 in width for example "***Big images***" or something else that can be agreed on so again mobile users know not to push their sausage fingers on it or if they do, to expect a bit of a wait. Spoiler tags are a nuisance.

What do people think in general? I've got a 27" display here and a 24" second monitor, looking at stuff in 1024 is borderline painful/annoying :p

Afterall, we do have the high res screenshot thread, people know the images are going to be huge so nobody moans, so why not have a similar setup here?

Thoughts/comments etc?

A lot of landscape work needs to be big to display the details and allow immersion.

Still, I don't put anything over 1024 online, tat way even if the image is stolen it is not so useful and I have the larger version to prove copyright (RAWs help but you can convert a jpeg to RAW if you want).

Thats fair enough and your choice but what for those who DO want to put bigger stuff online? :)
What's stupid about it Martin?

I'd like to see a proper counter argument if you're going to come up with an aggressive reply like that.
We're looking at implementing a mod that auto-resizes, which can then be enlarged when you click on it.
It's kept at 1024 for people who are on laptops, tablets and phones.

Specific threads can be exempt from the rules - I don't have an issue with the post your pictures thread being included here, so I'll flag it up with t'others and let you know. I'm not sure about having multiple threads that can have large images though.
Please see it from our point of view too - it can't be one rule for some and then another rule for the rest, otherwise people complain about consistency in moderating :p

Thanks Maccy :)

I completely appreciate why its done I just think if people are given a fair warning, IE something in the thread title to state the image size then people can be fully prepared.

Also, it being a photography forum people like to see big images, not walls of external links or thumbnails or small images :p

I was working on 51" of monitor space last night, it was painful :p
I'm not saying have HUUGGEEE images, just bigger than 1024w :p

1280 or 1440 even would be ace.
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