The 1980s D&D Panic (BBC)

28 Jun 2006
Newcastle upon Tyne
I saw this article on the BBC today:

I played D&D in the 1980s (yes, I'm that old!) and I still play it now (well, it's Pathfinder, but close enough) as well as a dozen other P&P RPGs (played Call of Cthulhu for the first time in nigh on twenty years last night!). Of course, now I use virtual tabletops, visual aids via tablet and loads of other technological shortcuts, but it's basically still the same game - still being played by the same guys - although nearly all of us are married, have kids, etc...

Now if all that rubbish thirty years ago (BADD being the prime example) can be shown to be an absolute load of tosh, it makes you wonder which of today's witchhunts is going to be proven to be unfounded in the future.

Of course, I realise I'm in a biased room :D but I thought others might find the article interesting.
Well, I think a lot of LARP'ing is quite heavily stereotyped :D
The boots of escaping video, for example :D (which I admit, cracks me up!)

The closest we come to any rituals is one particular player who likes to announce what he's doing rather flamboyantly - like requesting the assistance of his deity when he casts heals and things :D
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