But it still needs to hold some amusement and entertainment.
The pallof presses looks like something I could posibly do at the gym, but I find cable stacks are typically hogged by the same lot whenever I go.
There's a 6min ab workout that I've been trying and need to try and get back into. I admittedly need to rest a bit so cant do the full minute of each and don't have room for lying leg knee twist which gives me an other minute of rest, can you think of anything similar for working out that area that could be done?
Talking about ab workouts just want to have a rant- mianly cause I have nowhere else to do so. The amount of guys I watch using this machine:
That seem to pull down with their arms is unbeleivable. I tend to use a light grip or even hover over the handles when using it to stop me doing so, although I think this makes me push with my shoulders a bit but I do try and correct it.
Unless ofcourse I'm doing it wrong?
But it's that machine and the rowing machine are really my only two ab workouts at the gym that I do. Anything else is at home.
Although I read that using the ascent trainer and "running" without the handles eyes closed are a great core workout. Something to do with it requires greater effort to remain upright, have only managed a few seconds doing this but I also feel doing it eyes open my body twists more doing so and gives a bit of a workout.