*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***

You insider bastids. Tell me, who is Scott, and who is Dom?

So YOU'RE Joe!

On a related note snapped my shoulder up on Monday attempting to bench on the smith.... guy asked for a spot on his last set so thought I would see what all the fuss was about using the smith, literally 3 or 4 reps and my shoulder felt gash and now I've been in pain since then, why the hell did I do it? wasnt even training chest! :mad:

/neveragain /rage

Its shoulders tonight, going to need all kinds of mobility work before I attempt OHP....

To be fair, that could have been due to lack of warmup :p
Was plenty warmed up, specially my shoulders, to be fair my shoulder is probably as gashed as yours due to motorbike crashes and operations but I am too damn lazy to sort out going to see a physio.
Annoyingly the last few weeks my shoulder has felt the best in over a year, been doing lots of mobility work and picking up tips from here etc, I will just do plenty of shoulder mobility with every session this week and should be fine by next week.
First session out of the smith machine, don't like the decrease in kg but it'll sort itself out in time. Had to move to 4x6 instead of 3x8 as didn't feel confident in the last two reps. Big time shakes/a numb feeling in my right arm.

Having barely lifted a weight in nearly a year due a drink related arm injury requiring 12 stitches it feels good to be back in the swing of it (2 chest, a leg and a back session)
Scott is Lie
Dom is Nate Silvers
Delvis is HopelessDisciple
Steedie is Joseph Fritz
FF is French
You are JOEF1

Surely Ice is:


(Sorry that should probably be Lice rather than Ice) :p
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