*************The 2016 Powerlifting Totals Thread*************

Bit more to go on both squat and deads before the year is out

GSVBagpuss ----------------- 112.5 / 85 / 145 -------------- [71] --------- 342.5

Most important number is that my weight has gone up!

GSVBagpuss ----------------- 117.5 / 87.5 / 147.5 -------------- [73] --------- 352.5

A few small up arrows
Will have a crack at this next week. Won't be max deadlifting for at least a month unfortunately, but my squat feels strong and shouldn't affect my lat. Will use the time to focus on my chest a bit more.
Captainrave ----------------- 115 / 135 / 150 -------------- [78] --------- 400

Finally hit 400, but through squats and not deadlifts which was unexpected!

Captainrave ----------------- 120 / 135 / 150 -------------- [77] --------- 405

Well I managed to increase my squat. Won't be touching my deadlift max for a few weeks though. My lat is feeling much better though.
Baxter------------------------180 / 130 / 225 ----------------------[100]------------535

Another 5 on the bench, going for the deadlift next week and possibly squat next week as well

I'll go for a 1RM on bench soon to get a decent idea where i am on that, hopefully over 95.

Tore left leg quad, all taped up and new orthotics done in new lifters, so form and glute activation until its repaired and then start pushing these squats :D
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