The 5 year plan to £50k - Accomplished.

7 Jan 2007
Sussex, UK
Just to inspire FoxEye, I had a phone call from the Head of Dept. I am being promoted to the Manager position following an expansion in the dept and people being shuffled around.

I have gone from dole in 2010 to £46k as of next month. I had to move from my parents in 2011 moving 90miles away, then at the end of 2013 had to move again around 140 miles from my friends and family but it has all paid off.

I am so happy!
[TW]Fox;27216288 said:
Is that really the same as FoxEye was trying to do though? The dole isn't exactly the very bottom if you ended up on it after say redundancy etc and have previous qualifications. What did you do before being on the dole?

worked for local government after uni, did a few years, rage quit, went to uni again, rage quit, realised my mistakes and changed my attitude to work and everything since has been served on a plate for me by various people, like being given all the interview questions and getting promotions without needing an interview.

I've had to work hard though in the roles I've had mind. I've had to learn to be tougher and take things on the chin sometimes.
Does it really make you happy?

Yes, this "journey" has made me into a man, I have matured and now can fend for myself.

What effect has moving away from your friends had? Did you move with a girlfriend/wife or on your own? I'm currently considering moving to London but most of my friends live near my current location and I'm not really someone who enjoys being on their own too much.

Very very hard on the first move, I cried a few times the first week. Not ashamed to say at 27. I moved alone, no girlfriend, kids or wife. Second time I moved I enjoyed it, now I don't care where I live from Aberdeen to Zimbabwe. I would view any opportunity.

do you define happiness based on earnings?

I'm sure they'll be millions out there on a very low wage but are blissfully happy with their life.

I'm sure they are happy but in my life I have got happier as I have done better at work and have had some great times with new friends I have met on the way. Now even more so, I have "clicked" with a lot of people at work at this latest place of work.

Again, what field is this in?

Physical Asset Management.
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[TW]Fox;27216424 said:
What do you do? :p

Asset Manager, I plan maintenance and refurbishment of various plants and networks, based on cost, risk and required performance.

I go out to site and scope out what equipment needs replacing and then decide when. Now in the new role I got to manage people and the programme.
Now deal with women, That will make you into a man. Try fending for yourself when they have a go.

hehe thats my next task.

hahaha dole in 2010.

Good job op,

What was your progression? how did you manage it? what jobs did you go to and from.

I took a low end surveying job and it went from there, you really shine if you put a mega amount of effort in.
My new job won't be easy, I'll get everyone from various departments wanting all there plant replaced now now now, but there isn't the money so I have to talk and prioritise, some days it will be hell.
In my experience I showed a bit of grit, determination and spirit. I also bought some books and listened in to conversations in my first job post dole.

I got chatting a lot to a manager about the project and asset management, I didn't realise how senior he was until I got my second role at that company. He was one of the top!

He gave me the interview questions to my second job, told me to put him as a reference and the Operations Manager for area also had a word with the recruiting manager, it was a mix of good fortune, luck and my hard graft.

Third job at a new company came out of the blue, also a bit lucky, my first role was a fixed term, and towards the end of the contract a collegue gave me the contact details of a specialist recruiter for my industry. He said he didn't have anything for me then as I didn't have a lot of indstry experience but after my second role and 2 years later I did! He phoned me out of the blue and got me an interview for the same job I was doing but 25% more money! Get it...

In the new job I had direct experience from my old place and just excelled here, now I got promoted again, but I have worked hard and due to some lucky timing I have hit a period where some senior managers have left and there are a lot more junior people than me so much so that there is only me that stands out that isn't already a manager. Again some luck but also my hard work.

Prior to 2010 I felt like you Nix in my local government job, I questioned why I bothered with uni, I rang in sick a lot, didn't do my hours or much work when I was there, it was hell on earth in the public sector. They do nothing and just shuffle paper, I couldn't get my head around that so left for a career change.
Nix with a your geography degree is it physical or human?

We have very similar degree if it is physical geography you did. Have you ever applies for things like:

Water resources partitions
Environmental positions
Town or country planning
Highways agency
Environment agency
Wild life trusts
Natural england
Power industry
Water industry
Etc etc etc

Maybe it's time to consider being a geography teacher or primary teacher? Teach English on your travels them apply for pgce on return?

I never new what I wanted to do after university either I just feel into a professional career as they were the only offer of employment I had, I was never served with a choice in that sense. You just have to run with it and try to mold a verse you want out of your first years experience, but I started unhappy in my first job for years and for bitter. Until the point where I couldn't go in another day.

I lost 5 years of work in that job before I woke up.
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Nix with a your geography degree is it physical or human?

We have very similar degree if it is physical geography you did. Have you ever applies for things like:

Water resources partitions
Environmental positions
Town or country planning
Highways agency
Environment agency
Wild life trusts
Natural england
Power industry
Water industry
Etc etc etc

Maybe it's time to consider being a geography teacher or primary teacher? Teach English on your travels them apply for pgce on return?

I never new what I wanted to do after university either I just feel into a professional career as they were the only offer of employment I had, I was never served with a choice in that sense. You just have to run with it and try to mold a verse you want out of your first years experience, but I started unhappy in my first job for years and for bitter. Until the point where I couldn't go in another day.

I lost 5 years of work in that job before I woke up.

NIX, please see my post above, which I don't think you responded to. Have you applied for any roles in these areas?

I would strongly suggest joining CIWEM or something similar, I think they do CPD.

YOu should be able to get a starter job from one of them if you are willing to move any where in the UK.

oh and I have a 2:2 in Geosciences and never had a problem getting a job, employers now don't even look at it.
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