The Aliens (ex-Beta Band)

trojan698 said:
Wow, this is really good. Uplifting just as the review promises. :)

Blimey, that was quick :eek:

presume you already had it..or found a video or two lurking around

There are a few to watch on their site btw, Robotman wins for me :cool:

Robotman and The Happy song are that feeling of finishing work on a friday and heading off to the pub, encapsulated in song :cool:
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Damn this is good. But then again the Beta's always rocked.

Slipped totally under my radar so thanks for posting it.

Really enjoyed their myspace page so this will be on my next purchase list.
Bought this at the weekend, sees very good indeed, can't stop listening to Robot Man. Used to be a big fan of The Beta Band so this is very welcome stuff indeed :cool:
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