The all NEW SSD Comparison chart!

20 Jul 2009
The bleak North East arm pit of Britain

We have just looked into starting a new SSD comparison chart for you guys to have a look at.

Tests run are AS SSD, Atto an CrystalDiskMark.

Corsair LS 240GB


Seagate 600 Series SSD 240GB


Samsung 840 120GB


Samsung 840 Pro 256GB


Samsung 840 EVO 250GB


Samsung 840 EVO 250GB (Rapid Mode)


Check out that RAPID mode!!! :cool:

Toshiba 512GB THNSNH512GCST


And here is the chart from the winner of the EVO comp :D

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that can't be right can it? the evo looks to be exceeding the theoretical max BW of sata3 by almost 2x !

is this due to some sort of onboard compression trickery? ( I take it that's what rapid mode means!)

edit: I see, google is my friend!

RAPID stands for Real-time Accelerated Processing of I/O Data, so we should probably honor the all caps. You can enable the feature via Samsung's SSD Magician utility, and you'll need to be running Windows 7 or 8 for it to work. When enabled, RAPID mode takes up to a gigabyte of system memory. DRAM is even faster than the flash memory used in SSDs, so there's some wisdom in using it as a high-speed cache for solid-state drives.

more here
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OracIe said:
WTF? What does one do/need to use 'Rapid mode' ?
Just click on a setting to enable it in the latest Samsung Magician software, only works on the EVO's at the moment, but should be working on the Samsung 840 Pro in a future update.
Seems I'm in need a new os drive as the crucial m4 128gb(2 years old) is not being recognised any more(not showing in the BIOS and giving the no is drive error on PC start up), looks like its the evo 120gb for me(have a 250gb 830 as my steam/origin drive).

What does the pro offer over the evo to cost £40-£50 more(250/256gb model) and almost £100 for the half gig models?
Great idea to get some unbiased, standardised tests and ratings of these drives...

Crack the whip Andrew and get 8 pack to do the whole range! ;)
Just realised the seagate drive is fluffed! Its in IOPs rather than MB/s back to the drawing board :D

Rapid mode is a feature built into the magician software that uses your system ram. Those speeds were attained on RAM running at around 2400MHz.
Why's the 840 PRO set to 31K BAD? - something wrong there me thinks!

Coulda sworn last time I ran AS SSD I was up in the low thousands with my 840 PRO

BAH EVO is cheating :p
Just realised the seagate drive is fluffed! Its in IOPs rather than MB/s back to the drawing board :D

Rapid mode is a feature built into the magician software that uses your system ram. Those speeds were attained on RAM running at around 2400MHz.

Get some 3000MHz in there and re-run, be interesting to see if it effects it. Or try 2600MHz with some really good timings.
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