The best designed websites on the it is

case studies

each have a different backdrop, click on them and then in the middle of the page you should see "download digital matte wallpaper"
You have to appreciate the art and design of it even if it doesn't serve you the information straight to you like say Google does lol

looking on clients they done loads, nintendo america...
GSXRMovistar said:
If I wasn't being honest I'd say that it was lovely and my favourite website in the whole world.

And letting a phrase make your blood boil seems a little bit excessive, to be honest. :p

oh it really does, im gonna go break my teeth on a boiled sweet now. :) its just one of them things that get to me nothing personal.

You guys read 2advanced blogs, they trying sue somebody who ripped there site by flipping there designs horizontal lol. They also have people telling them whos ripping there sites.
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If everyone just stuck to HTML like some people seem to think, would the internet ever evolve and move forward? Im glad there are people trying different things and pushing the boundries. That 2advanced site runs quick on my pc and is excellently laid out, maybe other people need to update their pcs. The people who say "ohh it needs flash so im not going to bother" are also living in the past so how do you expect anything to ever move forward.

Design can mean two things also. Easy to navigate and cleanly accessible or a great piece of art. I was aiming for the latter.
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