The best gadget ever, ever...EVA!!!!

16 Apr 2007
Nope, its not the iPhone 6, or the Intel 20ghz Quadruple core CPU, it is........

The Tefal Toast 'n Egg!!!!

Chuck your bread in, pour in a tiny amount of water, chuck your egg in, press the button and hey presto!

In 2 mins, you have the perfect piece of toast and the perfectly poached egg. The whites are solid, and the yolk runny. No saucepans, no swirling water, no vinegar, no mess, no hassle, nothing to clean up - just the perfectly poached egg on toast!

Apple have nothing on this! It works an absolute treat - can't believe I didn't buy one of these earlier!

I might have to get one of these, only £30 too. Think I'll grab one tomorrow. At least if it's gash it's only £30 :)
I use one small pan to cook my eggs, this has more fiddly components and isnt any less hassle than the normal way to poach, therefore this is a pointless item.

Not at all. It really is fantastic - a lot less hassle than the pan and water method. Been experimenting with it all day and it really is perfectomundo!
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Had one for over a year now. Use it every weekend. Works an absolute charm.

Works by boiling water underneath the eggs and the heat from the steam cooks them.

Only drawback is a rather nasty steam burn I had once. Steam burns QUICK!!!
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