The Best Passive AGP Card That Will Fit in a Shuttle

9 Jan 2003
Hi guys, as the title says, I'm looking for the best AGP graphics I can get, the tricky criteria are:

1. Must be passively cooled - or at least near silent

2. Must fit in my shuttle without needing to resort to the dremel.

what will the shuttle be used for? i had seen some passive 6600's but i can't remember how well they fit with the drivecage, otherwise OcUK have some passive 6200's on their website.
Steeps said:
what will the shuttle be used for? i had seen some passive 6600's but i can't remember how well they fit with the drivecage, otherwise OcUK have some passive 6200's on their website.

Thanks. Yes, I found some passive Gigabyte 6600's, but I contacted Gigabyte and they told me the card wouldn't fit as the heatpipe heatsink is on the back side of the card.

I'm hoping somebody has one and can disproove this, or suggest an alternative

[ED] It has to be silent otherwise me girlfriend will realize I've been buying more computer kit - which is currently banned :o [/ED]
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