The best WoW news yet!

30 Aug 2003
Taken from here

Cross-Realm Battlegrounds
For the first time in the history of World of Warcraft, you will be able to face off against players from other realms in the Battlegrounds. Coming in patch 1.12 are cross-realm PvP Battlegrounds, linking Alterac Valley, Warsong Gulch, and Arathi Basin so that players from several realms will be combined into one huge matchmaking pool. Replenish your mana, sharpen your blades, and get ready for the biggest battles yet!

World PvP
While the Battlegrounds are about to receive a major upgrade of their own, players interested in World PvP will be glad to hear that patch 1.12 will introduce a brand-new type of PvP content to the game. The stage is set for objective-based land battles of truly epic proportions as Horde and Alliance vie for control over important strategic positions and resources around Azeroth. Stay tuned for more news about these new world PvP enhancements coming to World of Warcraft.
Nikumba said:
Oh joy lets add another feature.

Sort the lag and issues out with the current PVP system before you start creating bloody havoc with mixed realm battlegrounds

Great post, I'm sure they shoulda thought of "just fixing the lag issue"
You do know that some stuff is outside their control, since the EU servers are in France?
Hixxy said:
enough of the fan boy posts please.
WOW is the first Blizz game I ever played, so no I'm not a fanboy.
I get annoyed at the 12 year olds who keep on Whining about EVERYTHING, including the server connections etc. Sometimes its the ISP's fualt etc etc, some thing are out of a companies control.And no, their servers arent the 486's you guys make them out to be.
If you hate everything about the game so much and moan about everything, STOP playing their game!
m4cc45 said:
100 of hours of gameplay?

Seriously I got bored by the end of the first week (and not playing it for 8 hours a day either) when my Warlock was around level 40ish...

The game is aimed really at children - click a monster press your hot-keys as fast as possible, rest and repeat.

At least in other games you get to vuln, bane, cast protection spells choose what kind of spell you would like (i.e. fire, lightning) and thus represented in the damage you do.

£8.99 is a lot of money for some people as well and they may well enjoy it for a few months until they reach game-over with everyone then going into instances to try and grab a bit of loot that they have a one in x (team party size) chance of getting and then if you dont get you have to repeat it over and over again...

Oh and then theres the cost of the addons...

This guy clearly knows it all ... was gonna quote some parts of his post .. but in retrospect, its all mornic, so ill just do a big WTF :confused:
Davey or any other mod, please lock this thread.
Was supposed to be good news on cross-server battlegrounds, but i sincerely doubt it will go back on topic again with all this mindless babble by people who do not actually like/play the game.
Ironforge is pretty much the Busiest place for alliance.
These days, a lot of 60's are around in the Plaguelands ... a place you wont see for as long while yet
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